X-ray Radiation Room

The following systems are located in this room:

  1. BALTEAU CSC320/70 radiological equipment with ceramic tube and voltage from 0-320 kV.
  2. PHILIPS mammography radiological equipment mod. ROT201, with voltage of 25 – 45 kV;

Banco ottico Centro di Taratura Comecer

The mammograph is used to measure the kV with filter in molybdenum or in aluminium.

The radiogenic machine with tungsten anode tube is used to measure the kV and the emission time of exposure, kerma in air and dose equivalent.

The measurement of the kV and the emission time is usually made by inserting a 2.5 mm aluminium filtration on the output of the radiation.

In compliance with the Standards that identify the codes of the beams, the exposure, kerma in air and dose equivalent measurements are made by inserting different filtrations on the output of the radiation, both thickness and materials.

In detail, Accredia certification is performed for the quantity of exposure, Kerma in air, dose equivalent with ISO 4037 beams relative to the types of instruments:

  • Measurement assemblies (whole-body radiation meters and ionisation chambers) with ISO reference beams
  • Passive dosimeters in air and on ISO phantoms
  • Multimeters used for quality controls of the radiogenic machines

and Comecer Calibration Reports are issued for:

  • Multimeters used for quality controls of the radiogenic machines, for kV and Time quantities
  • Radioprotection characterisation of instruments and materials (gloves, shielding, lead aprons…) for radioprotection use.







