
Since January 26, 2010 Accredia is the unique body of accreditation for Italy.

A Brief History of the calibration service in Italy

SIT – Calibration service in Italy was established in 1979, when the primary metrological institutes IMGC/CNR, IEN and INMRI/ENEA started accreditation of many secondary laboratories, which assumed the qualification of Calibration Centres.

Since 2003 the responsibility and control of accreditation have been transferred from IMGC/CNR and IEN to the person in charge of the Central Secretariat of the SIT.

National Institute of Metrological Research

From 1st January 2006 a new body, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) [National Institute of Metrological Research], unified IEN and IMGC/CNR, putting the SIT in the “Laboratories accreditation service” with organisational and functional autonomy.

The Public Consortium for accreditation

On 20th March 2009 the Municipal Limited Liability Consortium was constituted for accreditation (COPA SCrl) with the purpose of promoting accreditation activities and, in particular, public service sectors.

The founder companies of the COPA are all public bodies: INRIM, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) [Higher Institute of Health], the Milan Polytechnic, the Turin Polytechnic and the University of Cassino.

SIT became an operational unit of the COPA with full operational autonomy, according to the requisites envisioned by the International Standard and European Regulation 765/2008.

A unique accreditation body: Accredia

SIT and COPA work with Accredia, the other Italian accreditation body created by the joining of the Sistema Nazionale Accreditamento di Laboratori (SINAL) [National Accreditation System of Laboratories] with the Sistema Nazionale Accreditamento di Organismi di Certificazione (SINCERT) [National Accreditation System of Certification Bodies].

From January 26, 2010 Accredia succeed the SIT (read the news): also Italy has a unique body of accreditation, as required by European Regulation 765/2008.








