The Accredia certificates in Europe and worldwide

Acknowledgement of the Accredia calibration certificates

The European cooperation for Accreditation

Nearly all European countries have organised a national calibration system for accreditation of metrological laboratories for the issue of official certificates. These services are co-ordinated by the European cooperation for Accreditation (EA), whose operation:

  • favours the exchange of metrological know-how and trust between the different calibration services.
  • harmonises the accreditation procedures
  • promotes the mutual recognition arrangement

In particular, the mutual recognition arrangements make the calibration certificates issued in other countries valid, thus permitting acceptance by users in that country.

Accredia has direct connection with the EA and with calibration services in other countries, with which it has sealed bilateral agreements of mutual recognition of certifications since 1981.

The multilateral agreement and international recognition agreement

The calibration services that are signatories of the multilateral agreement are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

With extra-European countries the mutual recognition arrangement is in force. Current signatories are: Australia, Brazil, China, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore and USA.

The Accredia certificates acknowledged worldwide

Accredia is a signatory of the ILAC-MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation CooperationMutual Recognition Arrangement), thanks to which the calibration certificates with the Accredia mark are recognised and are valid worldwide,








